Whether you guys know it or not, we all, on a daily
basis use some sort of technology that uses satellites to either send or
receive information. Your telephones, TVs and computers (internet) are the most
popular technologies that need satellites to function. Personally, I don't think any of us would be able to live without any of these high tech technologies and we should really appreciate the invention of satellites. The first satellite sent to space was on October
4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched ‘Sputnik I’. It was the
size of a basketball and it only weighed about 183 pounds. That launch lead in
new political, military, technological, and scientific developments that
changed the world.
After the launch of Sputnik I, the United-States was
worried that if the Soviet Union was able to launch a satellite to space, then
they are able to send military missiles carrying nuclear weapons. Then the
Soviet Union struck again with Sputnik II and this encouraged the U.S to work
harder and advance in technology. Finally, in 1958 the U.S launched their first satellite that they named Explorer I. This satellite is credited for discovering the magnetic radiation belts around the earth. They continued the Explorer program because it was a successful and liable lightweight, scientifically useful spacecraft. All these great
launches marked the beginning of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration/Act). We also have a robot on mars that’s being controlled from
earth and this robot is there exploring this inhabited planet. This robot is
called the mars rover.
Now we have incredible high tech telescopes (more
specifically the Hubble space telescope) in space that can take
pictures that reach more than 100 million light years away. NASA is always adding and replacing parts on the space station to make it better. With NASA inventing
all these new and improved parts to add to the satellites, our social
networking and communication will only get better and more advanced.
Thanks to these fascinating inventions, we can
communicate with our friends without having to be near them, we can get
millions of search results when we are browsing the web for information in just
a couple of seconds and much more amazing perks that come from this incredible