Inventions that changed the world

Inventions that changed the world

Friday, April 11, 2014


Everyone knows or has seen that family in which every family member wears glasses. Yet, most of us never question if they all wear glasses because of a genetic trait they share or because of the environment they live in. Studies have proven that poor eyesight does run in families. Although, that doesn't mean that the environment doesn't have a role with people’s poor eyesight. Another interesting thing is that we all appreciate the invention of glasses but we never take a moment to question who invented them or when they were invented.

First pair of glasses ever invented

The inventor of the first pair of glasses remains unknown. Most historians believe that the first form of eyeglasses was produced in Italy around 1285-1289. These magnifying lenses (glasses) for reading were shaped like two small magnifying glasses and set into bone, metal, or leather mounting that could be balanced on the bridge of noses. Of course before that time they had something to help them see, but it wasn't as advanced as the glasses. After the invention of the first pair of glasses, people were amazed with the design of it and how you can magnify whatever you want without having to hold anything in your hand. The design of the first glasses was great except that after years and years of just having a plain piece of metal with lenses in it, they deiced to make a few changes to it to make it better for them. They shaped it to make it fit better around the ears and they also made it possible to fold the pair of glasses to fit in places where the normal pairs couldn’t fit. 
Standard pair of glasses

Google has recently come out with a special pair of glasses they call ‘Google Glass’. Google glass is basically a computer that you can wear as glasses. It can display information that you would normally use your phone or computer to see. With this invention, you don’t even need your phone anymore, because you can answer your texts; emails; calls and much more with the new Google Glass. Some people have some concerns about this high tech inventions because these glasses allow you to invade other people's privacy. In example, it has a camera that's able to do 'face recognition' and with this type of technology you can find out many things about people without them even knowing. Which is why Google Glass is illegal in many countries. 
New Google Glass

We've advanced so much with glasses over the past few years. It all began with a simple objective which was to help people read and see better and now we're able to use our glasses to search the web and communicate with others. Personally, I want the Google Glass because I find it incredible that they were able to put so much technology on a small pair of glasses. Although, I wouldn't want anyone else to have one because I wouldn't want someone to invade my privacy and look at my information just by facing a camera that's on his glasses at me in public. 

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  1. I really enjoyed your blog because it had me reflect upon the number of people in the world that have difficulties with their vision. I can't even wrap my head around the amount of people that wear glasses. So, with something as common as glasses, I think we sometimes may take for granted this amazing invention. Sure nowadays it seems logical and normal to wear glasses, but having come up with that idea originally is just genius. Overall, I thought this post was amazing and I really enjoy the subject that you chose to do your blogs on. Can’t wait for more!

  2. The following two phrases were found on and your blog.
    "Google glass is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display."
    "It displays information in a smartphone-like hands-free..."

    While this may have been an unintentional mistake you must remember to NEVER copy-paste your information OR copy-paste and replace a few words here and there. You CAN quote the site or paraphrase and source the site.
